
Saturday 4 February 2012

In Rose's own words...

I found something special today while re-organising the study...

It's one of those "Grandmother Remembers" books- I think Anna gave it to Mum some time ago...

At some point, Mum started to fill it in.

It's written from her point of view, and is dedicated to Lisa.

Anyway- I have scanned it for everyone to enjoy before I hand it to Lisa while she is here in Perth this weekend... 

(shhh- it's a secret!) 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for publishing this Cezza, I can just imagine her sitting there to write this out for Lisa reliving a lifetime.

    Interesting that Buppu and Grandma met. I'd always been of the impression that it was an arranged marriage and they'd never met. Rose clearly says though that they met socially,

    Interesting too that she was told she looked like her Grandmother in Cyprus. This might give a hint as you look at the old photos from Cyprus. Lots of interesting things today... interesting also that Katya Rose looks and acts like Rose... must be something in the name.
