
Friday 16 December 2011

And then there were three....

And it was a girl!  Jubilation!

And what a darling sweet natured child she was.

And how very happy were her brothers that she was in their lives.

Well- even with that said, sadly missing is a tag from the hospital crib, a birth notice, or any hugging photos.  But- I was born in Merredin in 1962 and I am told I weighed in at a robust 8 pounds.  We lived at a property called Cummins House on the outskirts of the town.

But anyway- here's what I found....

As you can see though- I did get fed.

Lots....  Here's my Churchill pose with my minion holding my dummy....

Here's a strangling (rather than hugging) photo though- taken with Grams at UWA in Perth, just outside Hackett Hall and near the reflection pond (somewhere that our yet to be born brother liked to swim after a few loud ones at the Uni tavern).   This was in 1963.  Note that cars could park along the hall in those days....

Apparently I was very funny... as well as fat.... there is evidence here of Mum cutting my hair.  Spot the dog...

She always had trouble getting my fringe straight, and so it got shorter and shorter while she tried to correct it.  It went on for years and years...  I was a tolerant kid.

And well may you laugh at my gorgeous figure and fringe, but please check out the duds on Gavan as well...  What was Mum thinking?

I'd obviously had enough of the paparazzi's attention and lost some of the generous folds (but the fringe is still there) by the time this photo was taken.  Or maybe it was because my brave and intrepid brothers loved to dress up as cowboys, and tie me to the clothesline and leave me there for the indians.  Without food.  For hours!!!(in kid speak- seconds probably until Mum rescued me).  Bracksie is in the background.

I'm looking cuter (at last) in this photo...

 And she had left my fringe alone for long enough here...

And that brings me up to around 2 at this stage....

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