
Friday 16 December 2011

About this blog

This blog is essentially a record of our family history.  It is recorded from my memories and stories told to me by our parents...

Mum passed away a few months ago (June 2011), and I was keenly aware that with her passing our family stories were lost.

She was their custodian.

She was our oracle.

I then started writing as much down as I could...

A veritable frenzy, really...

And in that process I realised that I had taken on the mantle of story teller.

So here, I try to record as much as I know, remember, can piece together, and extrapolate for my kids, my brothers' kids and the future generations who won't get to know the wonderful parents we have.

But it is also written to be added to by my brothers and father as well.  Hopefully...

With Dad in low to medium level Alzheimers, his memories are scattered.  It seems very important, therefore, to record as much as possible of his story as soon as possible, before everything has gone.

The blog starts with Dad, and moves through the members of the family.  It hopefully will preserve as much of the family history as possible, for generations now and beyond....  It is by no means complete, and I will add to it as I can.

There is another blog about Dad specifically, and the intention there is to record all the funny, sad and infuriating moments that are part of caring for someone with Alzheimers....

Stop in, have a look, and post a comment.  

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