
Friday 16 December 2011

And the fourth arrived Xmas Eve....

The last of the brood - Graeme- was born in Merredin on Christmas Eve, 1963.

Mum had to stay in hospital longer than she otherwise would have as Gavan had mumps.  She was not impressed.  Grams came from Perth to help Dad out with the rest of us...

At least Graeme got a birth notice....  humph...

I think this next photo was taken in the backyard of Cummins House in Merredin.  At least the dog and the tree are in focus!

A couple of hugging shots taken at a Christening in Manjimup- everyone in their glad rags...

And the next photo is the first known documented shot of Mum in one of her crazy hats.  This may well have been the beginning of her grand obsession!

We moved in 1964 to Broome, and the next few shots were taken at the school house there.

Night time... and a kiss for Mum before bed...

Mum notes on the back of the photos that the house was battened down on the night these were take as there was a tornado coming.

Graeme was a really really happy little thing...

And very cute... (and I was still suffering with Mum's hairdressing skills)

Even when he was dirty he was cute...

Mum started teaching again in Broome- she took the Grade 1/2 class.  I went to Kindy in the morning, and then to her class in the afternoon.

Graeme would be looked after by the school groundskeeper Amat Bin Bakar (Mark Bin Baker of Mary G fame is his son) in the morning, and then he would be put to bed in his safety cot for the afternoon.)  When I got home from Kindy I would go in and put 4 Milk Arrowroot biscuits on the top of the cot for when he woke up.  Amat would check on him and get him out when he woke up.  We had quite a system....

And because the teaching started, the children magically stopped coming!  So people- that must the secret of contraception!

The next shots were taken on Cable Beach.  Graeme and I were great mates, being so close in age.

Gavan is in the background- not one to miss out on a photo opportunity.  I'm surprised we weren't "bunny eared". These shots are the first colour photos I found in the "library"...

And a family shot as well...  We still have this umbrella at Windy Harbour (a subject yet to be explored)....

And the last shot is of Amat mowing the lawn, with Gavan and David marching behind him.

This was a ritual- they followed him everywhere once they were home from school.  Amat was very much a part of the family for us.

Broome was the perfect life for us kids.  We spent our spare time wandering the vast school grounds.  Gavan would disappear for hours, and began his vagrant days here in Broome.  He was addicted to boiled rice (yeh- I know!) and the Malay divers would cook it up for him in huge batches.  It was his second home...

So- I do believe that completes all of our profiles...

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