
Friday 16 December 2011

Bureaucracy creates posse of kids

Bureaucracy is a crazy thing.

After they married, Mum had to resign as a teacher cos that what a female teacher had to do in those days.  She wasn't allowed to hold a permanent position from then until around the 1970's because she was married.  How tragic.  And how far society has come since that time!

So- what was she to do in her spare time in the bustling metropolis of Pemberton....


Well - there was David in 1957......   Here's the tag the nurses put on his cradle in hospital:

The photo below shows him at a few weeks old, in the requisite dress all babies wore- male or female.....  But don't you just love Mum's dress- and she's looking pretty good given she's just had a baby!

 Grandma Vic got in on the hugging action.....

It was a hugging day, it seems, coz then there was a hug with Dad:

And it obviously got too much for Bappou, and he had to get in on the action...  

He was delighted with his new grandson... What a beautiful, cheerful, happy little soul he was.  Everyone loved him.

But, I have to include a few more happy snaps of David, to show that he continued to be happy for at least another few years...

The classic "kid getting dirty and very happy about it" photo below was taken at Windy Harbour....

And lastly in this post, around the same time, Bracksanne Par O'Caper Wright came into the family.

The history to this was that there was a huge bushfire in the Pemberton region in the late 1950's, and everything was closed down so that every able bodied man could be called in to fight it.  For their help, they were all given about 50 Pounds.  

Dad (uncharacteristically) immediately spent it on a pure bred boxer, and there started the Boxer dog legacy in the family (to the tune of 11 and counting).  (There has been a (minor) aberration recently with a Collie entering the family through marriage.  But there has also been the addition of a Rottweiler, which we can possibly forgive because a Boxer was bought at the same time....)  

Interestingly, Dad didn't even have to fight Mum to get one, as she had met a boxer in the butcher's shop named Bimbo (what do you reckon about that name!) and loved him.  Easy peasy!

So - Bracksie is below, and she was beautiful.  She just loved Dad, and the feeling was mutual.  She went everywhere with us....

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