
Friday 16 December 2011

Boy meets girl and the inevitable happens...

Well- the inevitable for 1956 that is.

It would be a different inevitable in 2011!

Anyway-  you know he got to take her out.  They were quite the item, and of course the 1956 inevitable followed....  they married....

She wore yards and yards of Chantilly Lace in a wedding dress made by her cousin, the very talented Chrissie Comenos (to become Chrissie Spartalis, and our Auntie Chrissie).

Frankly, it doesn't matter what he wore coz he's a bloke...

They married in Pemberton, and had their reception in the Pemberton Town Hall (for the whole township of about 400 people) with loads of kerosene and sawdust on the floor for dancing (strange customs they had).  It turned the hem of her dress an awful orange, but dry cleaners were in the know then, so when she had it cleaned you never knew! (and it is still in the attic in pristine condition over 55 years later!)

Bunn, the local hops grower in Pemberton, loaned them a wedding car, and here it is whisking them away...

Dad has this photo on his wall, as he has had for as long as I can remember...

Part of Dad's bridegroom's speech referred to the fact he had to marry Mum... 

You see, they partnered in a tennis doubles match, and won it.  They both received a spoon as a prize, and he decided he had to marry her to get the other spoon.  

Yeh- he's a character, our Dad.  We still see glimpses of that "humour".... 

So here's a few shots of the tennis couple....  Dontcher love the way their hemlines match!

It must have been after they were engaged, cos in here Mum is positioning her hand so we can see the engagement ring.

Such a girl....

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