
Thursday 5 January 2012

David's Baby Book.... 1957 mothering...

I found David's baby book from 1957, and it had some interesting bits and pieces in it...  

You can imagine with David being the first born, Mum being a new mother, combined with Mum's penchant for details and numbers that there was going to be some pretty impressive record keeping going on....

The very cute baby David....

Particularly his record of weight and the advice from the nurse...

First thing to note is that he was a very robust baby... Mum's calculations are in pink....

Some pretty meticulous record keeping going on here...

The note on the bottom of the page says that he walked at 16 months...

Then, the beginning of the written instructions from the nurse....

Boiled water between feeds when awake...

Dab tummy with methylated (spirits) twice day...

At two weeks old....  Feed 3-4 hourly

At three weeks old...  Demand feeding as long as baby has at least 5 feeds day (don't think that was a problem if you look at the weight graph...)

Five to six weeks- cradle cap was a problem...

Six weeks- 3-4 drops of orange juice in 2 teaspoons of boiled water- daily about 4pm... and then gradually increasing....

And at two and a half months introducing solids- Farex to be exact.... Still available today!

Not quite three months, and starting on broth...

And at not quite 4 months adding vegetables into the broth...

And then sieving the vegetables and adding that to the diet.... He's not quite four months at this stage....

I think the date is meant to be April, not February because of the page order in the book...

Apples introduced into the diet at this stage...

Egg yolk (raw) at not quite five months and junket mentioned here....

Five and a half months, and he's on egg custard, sago milk pudding and junket!

Six months brings ground rice and dried fruit puree...

I think the nurse recommends steaming brains and vegetables here!  Erk....

Coming up to seven months here...

And nearly 8 months here....

And then the steak kicks in.... 

I have no idea what this says though...

While David's book is very prescriptive, Gavan's is not....

I will do a separate post on his book....

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