
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Dad's Great Grandparents

I got some very interesting photos from Auntie Alizon which I am very excited about....

Meet Dad's great grandparents on the Evans side...

Unfortunately we don't know what their first names were...

The very fine and upstanding gentleman was very high up in the Salvation Army- hence the medals and pins...

He is holding a newspaper with the headline "War" which was probably the Boer War of 1899, judging by the severe hair and Victorian garb Dad's great Grandma (clutching a bible) is wearing....

And here we have an assortment of their children....

Auntie Alizon and I were looking for the Evans' chin, and there are a few fine examples here which may have been Dad's Grandma...

 One of these fine ladies...

Or perhaps this one....

The research continues....

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