
Sunday 6 May 2012

More info...

News to hand...

Costas (perhaps the son of our grandfather, Victor Varnavides) date of birth was.....

March 25th, 1921.

Bappou left Cyprus in 1924...

So nothing disproved, and nothing proven.

But still a potential....

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Rumour and scandal...

They always say that every family has a skeleton in their closet....

And this may be ours...

So- to set this up first...

As you know, I have been discussing a certain family photo with our Cypriot relatives....

One of the things I also asked was whether anyone knew why Bappou (my Grandfather Varnavas Varnavides- known as Victor Varnavides- let's call him VV) came to Australia in 1924.

The Cypriot relatives discussed it...

The most obvious reason was the poverty gripping Europe after World War 1.  As Cyprus had been a British Colony since 1878, a lot of people were migrating to UK and Australia.  Bappou (VV) decided to emigrate to Australia with a few of his friends.  

Then Constantinos HadjiDemetriou, one of our Cypriot cousins, went to talk with Constantis Violaris' granddaughter Andriana who still lives in Kokkinotrimithia, and this news popped into the mix...

Very interesting stuff....

Prepare yourself...

In addition to the photo in the previous post, I had sent this photo over to Constantinis and his father... I sent it over just thinking it might be interesting for them to see Bappou and Grandma Vic at an early stage of their marriage.

Little did I know what discussion it would spark!

Photo: 1931; Varnavas (Victor) Varnavides, Eva Varnavides, Chrissie Varnavides )nee Comenos)

... and what emerged from all that discussion was this....

I have quoted from Constantinos...

"There were rumours in the family that the reason behind (your grandfather's) decision to emigrate was an affair he had with his brother's wife.  This possibility was known within the family but was a well kept secret...  Actually, I also didn't know...  But these past days and while discussing family history as a result of the photo you sent, this possibility was made known...  When I looked at (your grandfather's) photo today with (your grandmother) Chrissie and Eve, it becomes apparent that my Bappou Costas looks exactly like (your grandfather)...  My Grandfather Costas was probably  your grandfather's son, and that's why he went to Australia."

Does that make sense to you all?

Anyway- if that is the case, we are more closely related to our Cypriot family than previously thought!

I am now in the process of cross checking birthdates, immigration dates and documents with the cousins/uncles...

I have also asked for a photo of Costas which I will then post...

Wow, huh?