
Saturday 4 February 2012

The things you find....

So... I'm cleaning out the study, and have a big bag of books to go to the op shop....

When I happen to stop... and look at the bag I am carting to the front door...

This book jumped out at me...

So I decide to take it out...

To open it up...

To find peeking behind the dust cover this lovingly written note from Mum to her "D---? husband" on their anniversary...

So of course I checked out the page referred to....

And here it is, for your edification, on the second page at the top...

Pretty cool, huh....

Rose on Gavan....

This is also from the "Grandmother Remembers" book.

Since it was dedicated to Lisa, there is a bit about Gavan as well....

So- here 'tis...


In Rose's own words...

I found something special today while re-organising the study...

It's one of those "Grandmother Remembers" books- I think Anna gave it to Mum some time ago...

At some point, Mum started to fill it in.

It's written from her point of view, and is dedicated to Lisa.

Anyway- I have scanned it for everyone to enjoy before I hand it to Lisa while she is here in Perth this weekend... 

(shhh- it's a secret!)